Business Loans

Business Loan Asset Backed

Business Loans With Burnley Savings And Loans

Business loans are only an application away.

Apply Online

With our online application just tell us about yourself and how much you’re looking to borrow etc. You’ll get a quick decision and on to step 2

Sign Acceptance

Once you have been approved you will be contacted by Burnley Savings and Loans who can send all documentation to you via email for E-Sign, or you can still attend our office to sign if you prefer.

Get Started

Once we have done our final checks and if you can proceed, we’ll pay into your bank and then you can expand your business.

Business Loans.

Business Loan Asset BackedBurnley Savings and Loans wants to help local businesses to grow and prosper. We consider loan applications for equipment, machinery and stock, or to improve your premises and increase your sales. All loans are subject to status.


  • No borrowing limit.
  • Repay over a term that suits you.
  • For all UK business loan applications.
  • BSAL act as a credit broker and a lender.